Saturday, June 29, 2024

Salesforce Lightning Web Components Cheat Sheet - 2nd Edition


Motivation behind this

Salesforce has expanded features of Lightning Web Components and almost after 5 years I am trying to incorporate all the features into my cheat sheet.

One of the trailblazers motivated me last month on the same and thought of updating my own way.

I have prepared 12 pager cheat sheet which covers almost all most important features and functionalities. (To download entire document scroll through the bottom).

Topics Included

The cheat covers following areas:
  • Features & Advantages
  • Getting Started
  • Component Bundles & Rules
  • Reactivity
  • Composition
  • Dynamic Components
  • Working with DOM
  • Communicate with Events
  • Working with Salesforce Data
  • Aura-Component Co-existence
  • Lightning Web Components Best Practices (Final 2 pages)


Here are few snaps of the content.

Page 1

Page 6

Page 7

Page 10

There are 2 more pages on best practices.

Click on the below link to download.

Download entire cheat sheet

If you find this useful then post your feedback as comments and share it.

Note: Since I love all those astro, codey etc characters that's why I have used them in the document.

Further Reading

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