Use Case
We usually get a requirement to store Salesforce records in XML format. Later, we may need to parse the XML and retrieve the data from XML and store them into a Map for future use.
I have created this class to generate some hard coded data. Later through usable parseXML method that has been parsed.
Outcome in Debug Log
We usually get a requirement to store Salesforce records in XML format. Later, we may need to parse the XML and retrieve the data from XML and store them into a Map for future use.
I have created this class to generate some hard coded data. Later through usable parseXML method that has been parsed.
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1 2 3 4 | XMLParserClass cls = new XMLParserClass(); String xmlStr = cls.generateXML(); cls.parserXML(xmlStr); System.debug(cls.xmlDataMap); |
Outcome in Debug Log